Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Linda's Diary

May 24, 1948

Dear Dairy,

Today has been an interesting day even though nothing to exciting happened, just the usual. Woke up did my stuff around the house, cleaned, made sure the boys and Willy got ready to go to work and school. Willy is a hard worker, I know his dream is to be rich like his older brother  Ben and give me all the things in the world. In all honesty I am happy with the house, the boys and the things we have. I would just like Willy to be home more often, find a job in an office maybe so he is not always on the road.

Anyways that is all for today until next time.

May 24, 2013

Dear Dairy,

I am so glad the boys are home again. I love having the noise and other people to take care of. But ever since Biff has been home Willy has been acting strange again. I do not like when he does this, he works hard and has to much on his mind. I know something is mentally wrong with him but I do not want to tell him he is going crazy. Deep down I think he knows that something is wrong because he keeps trying to kill himself. First time was when he crashed the car, which people said it was no accident, and personally I believe them. Willy is a good man but these mental break downs are getting worse and worse, I do not know how much I can put up with. All I want is for him to quit his job, be home, relax and have my Willy back.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's interesting that the whole family assumes that, if he quits his job, he'll be better or even back to normal.
